Board of Directors
Ms. DU Juan Chairperson/Executive Director

Born in May 1970, Ms. DU Juan is the chairperson of the Board, an executive director and the chairperson of the Strategy Committee. Ms. DU Juan joined the Company in August 2021. Ms. DU Juan is also a director and the CEO of TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. From July 1991 to May 1999, she worked in the Huizhou branch of China Construction Bank Corporation; in May 1999, she joined TCL Technology Group Corporation (000100.SZ) and successively worked as the general manager of the settlement centre of TCL Technology Group Corporation, the general manager of TCL Technology Finance Co., Ltd., the president and the chairperson of TCL Financial Services Holdings Group (Guangzhou) Company Limited* (TCL金服控股集团 (广州) 有限公司). From July 2016 to February 2018, she was a vice president of TCL Technology Group Corporation; from March 2018 to August 2021, she was an executive director and the COO of TCL Technology Group Corporation; from January 2019 to August 2021, she also took up the role of the CFO of TCL Technology Group Corporation; from August 2021 to December 2022, she was a non-executive director of TCL Technology Group Corporation; from October 2019 to October 2021, she was a non-executive director of Bank of Shanghai Co., Ltd. (601229.SH). Ms. DU Juan graduated from the Department of Investments of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (bachelor's degree), and obtained an EMBA degree from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.